32nd International Congress of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

ISAC is now accepting applications from SMA members for travel grants to attend the 32nd International Congress of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ICC) in Perth, Australia from 27 – 30 November 2022.

A number of ISAC Young Investigator Travel Awards will be given to ISAC Member Society applicants under the age of 35 who submit an abstract for the congress. Each successful awardee will be awarded 2,000 GBP towards the cost of their travel / accommodation to Perth as well as free congress registration. Abstracts will be judged on merit. All accepted abstracts will be published in ISAC’s open access journal, the Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance (JGAR). Early submission is encouraged. The deadline for abstract submissions and travel grant applications is 5 July 2022.

Abstract Submission

Congress Website